New awards for 2025
Paddlesurf legacy award
In Honor of Dennis Judson
The Santa Cruz Paddlefest started in 1985 as a way to promote ASU and provide a contest for the budding sport of surf kayaking. Dennis started, shaped, and grew the event for 26 years, before handing over the event reins to the next generation. He might have stepped down as event director, but he remained a competitor and a larger-than-life personality at the event until his passing in 2017.
This new award will be presented to a person who has stepped up and continued to grow the sport of paddle surfing.
Spirit of competition award
In Honor of Jim Grossman
Jim was extraordinary, there is no other way to say it. He took on challenges and competition with a vigor few could emulate, both in life and at the SCPF. His competitive spirit was always on full display, and he was always seen as one of the toughest competitors in the sport. This award will be presented to a competitor who exemplifies Jim's Spirit of Competition.